Archive for the ‘Fantasy’ Category


1 of 5 Human-Fuck-Toy Stars – The Automation by some stupid pen name. And edited by some asshole who constantly breaks the fourth wall and comments on this stupid fucking story. Explaining just how stupid it really is.

I did not finish this book. I just couldn’t. It was that bad. I read the first few chapters, hoping for something great, because the premise of the book intrigued me. But the chapters I read were so bloody disappointing, that I had to just skip to the last chapter, and find out if any of this book was really worth reading. Turns out that it wasn’t. It wasn’t even worth skimming the rest of it to see if there was any nugget of goodness in it. Because I knew for certain that the author was just too goddamn stupid to write anything remotely satisfying.

I mean, it was like this book was written by a goddamn teenager, or something. Because all the dialog in this book is about who is fucking who. Or who likes who. Or damn, The Who sure is a good band, or something. I don’t fucking know. It’s just teenage garbage. But it’s not the usual teenage garbage, you see. No, this is garbage that is pretending to be interesting. But trust me, it’s not interesting at all.

Of course, I felt the same way about the Twilight books, but at lest they had some form of substance. Not much, mind you. But at least it was something. This book… All the dialog is just so fucking pointless. And the characters all talk and act the same. It’s like the author never figured out how to actually write distinct characters. He (or she) just wrote dialog of him talking to himself (or herself, or itself, or whatever). Where’s the fun in that? I mean, yes in effect, all authors are writing dialog of themselves talking to themselves, because they really are every character in the book. It’s called imagination. Look it up.

But no. Not this cunt (or dick). No, this jackass just said fuck it, and literally talked to themselves throughout this whole book, without ever thinking of actually making any interesting or unique characters. No imagination whatsoever.

Oh wait. That’s not true. The premise of this book is actually quite interesting. Certainly more interesting than the goddamn book, that’s for sure. It’s about humanoid robots. And the gods who made them. And the masters of the robots. And arguments about who’s going to have sex with the robots first. Because what else are humanoid robots good for, really? You can only tell them to make you a fucking sammich so many times before you want to bend them over the coffee table and fuck their brains out. I know these things. The toaster gave me a dirty look one time, and I showed that toaster who’s boss. Right in its dirty little toaster asshole.

But a good premise does not make for a good book in this case. It’s just false promises, and broken dreams. The premise of this book is like the trailer for that stupid fucking Fantastic 4 movie. It looks oh so polished. So much action and intrigue. I’ve got to see that fucking movie. Then they fuck you in the drive-through. Because you go and watch that movie, and it’s total fucking horseshit.

So don’t fall for the sexy robot premise. Sure, it seems like a good idea at the time, but in the end, you’ll just get your dick toasted. And nobody wants that. Trust me, I know.


4 of 5 Whimpy-Korean-Fucker Stars – Chewy Noh and the Phantasm of Winter by Tim Learn.

For someone like me, who’s never heard of any Korean mythology, this book is very strange. I mean, who knew that there was a fucking god of the kitchen, goddess of the bathroom, and a god of the door. Yes, apparently Koreans worship the door to their bathroom. Crazy fucking wack-jobs.

This book is the second installment of the Korean retard known as Chewy Noh. Okay, he’s not technically retarded, but he’s not smart, that’s for damn sure. He’s some Junior High kid who can only pass tests at school because he’s literally got super-powers that allow him to pass any test. You know, like X-Men mutant powers.

But without his super-powers, he’s completely retarded. In this book, he soon wishes he doesn’t have super test taking skills, because his new teacher starts to think he’s cheating. She gets a total hard-on for Chewy. No, not sexually. That’s sick. No, she gets a hard-on for catching the little shit cheating.

She makes tests that no student could possibly pass. She even puts trick questions in there, that don’t even have a correct answer. But Chewy still gets a perfect score. So she gets an even bigger hard-on for him, and keeps making more impossible tests, to prove that chewy is a low-down dirty fucking cheater. You know, like all Koreans. Hey, shuddup. That’s not me being racist. That’s the author’s words right there. So, suck it.

Chewy starts getting haunted by the god of doors. Or something. He goes through the door to the bathroom at a party, and all the sudden he’s someplace else. Like it was a portal or something. Apparently, that’s what the door god does. He makes portals out of doors.

Chewy gets this bright idea. In order to trick his teacher into thinking he’s not a typical Korean cheater, he’s going to have to sneak into her office and steal the answers to the next test. He’s going to have to cheat, in order to actually prove that he’s not a cheater. As I said, he’s fucking retarded.

Then there’s the whole ‘Winter Soldier’ thing. Another ghost, who may or may not be the god of the toilet, is causing all kinds of havoc. He/she/it is terrorizing kids everywhere. Attacking them, and sending them to the hospital. So Chewy and his buddy put on their best Scooby-Doo impression, and go around trying to figure out who the ghost is, and what they want.

I’ve never been a fan of ghost stories. Because ghosts don’t fucking exist. I’ll never forget one time my next door neighbor asked me, “What do you mean, you don’t believe in god? How do you explain ghosts, then?” I gave her my most plain stare and answered, “Simple. They don’t exist either.”

But then again, monsters don’t really exist, and I love me a good monster story. And I don’t hate this book because it’s a ghost story. I don’t hate it at all, really. It’s actually quite good. It’s much better than the first story in the series.

I liked it because it had an actual story line, unlike the first book. It had a real plot. There was some actual meat on them bones. And the Korean mythology was actually quite interesting to read. But I was still hoping that one of those ghosts would totally kill poor Chewy. Because he really is the most pathetic hero I’ve ever read about.


JUSTIN BIEBER SUED! Damn. Why can’t the headline ever say ‘Justin Bieber Dead’? Get my book. It’s fucking hilarious.

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1 of 5 Stupid-Ass-Girly Stars – Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

I fucking hate Mary-Sue stories. And this is a classic example of a Mary-Sue, where the author puts themselves in the book as some fucking damsel in distress. She gets saved by some hot young hunk, and they get married and have a bunch of fucking babies. Classic Mary-Sue. And I fucking hate it so much.

But I don’t really hate this book because it’s a Mary-Sue. I hate it because it’s fucking stupid. A friend of mine recommended this book to me. Said I just had to read it, because it’s so amazing. I’ve since strangled that bastard and buried him in my backyard. With his bare ass poking out of the ground, so anyone can just wander by and fuck him. Because that’s what he deserves for recommending this fucking book.

Fifty Shades of Grey, which is fanfic of this book is 9000 times better than Twilight. Seriously. I’m not saying that Fifty is written better. Because it certainly isn’t. But it’s a better story that actually makes a tiny bit of sense. But sparkling vegan vampires? Seriously? Go fuck yourself, Stephenie Meyer.

The Mary-Sue in this book is Bella. A plain, boring, pathetic teenage girl, who just moved to a small town in bum-fuck nowhere. Way the fuck out in the woods, in Washington state. Reading about all her bullshit teenage angst just made me want to puke. Or punch her in the face. Because shut the fuck up, already. Stop whining, you stupid cunt. Yeah, life sucks. Welcome to your teenage years. Get over it.

She goes to her new school, and meets the most handsome guy in the world. Seriously, that’s how he’s described. “The most handsome guy in the world.” Yeah, right. This is yet another reason why I fucking hate Mary-Sue stories. Because he’s always the most handsome guy. And she’s always plain and boring. And handsome guy always wants her anyway. Why, goddamnit? Give me a fucking reason, besides this being a Mary-Sue. Just one fucking reason why Edward wants anything to do with plain old Bella.

Okay, so maybe there’s ONE reason. But still, it’s not a very good reason. He can’t read her mind. He can read everyone else’s mind, but he can’t read hers. So, she intrigues him. This actually makes sense to me. But he still shouldn’t be attracted to her. Curious, yes. Attracted, no. If he was a real vampire, he’d just take her out in the woods and rip her fucking head off. Because you can’t have bitches running around with control over you. Fuck that. That bitch has got to die.

But no. Edward can’t do that. Because he’s a fucking vegan vampire, or something. His family doesn’t eat humans. Or even kill them for sport. Where’s the fun in that? What the fuck is the point of being a goddamn vampire if you’re not killing humans for fun and profit? It’s so fucking retarded. Apparently, his family just hunt animals and shit. Like fucking bums.

It’s no wonder that the rest of the vampire community wants to kill Edward and his family. Because they’re just not normal vampires. They’re tainting the goddamn bloodline. You don’t want the rest of the vampires to start acting gay and going all vegan and shit. That would ruin the whole vampire reputation. I mean, hot bitches don’t really go for the gay-ass vegans. They go for blood-sucking, hardcore vampires.

And don’t get me started on the whole sparkly vampire shit. Vampires should fucking die in the sunlight. Period. Okay, there’s one exception. Blade. Because he’s a hybrid. I can buy that. It makes a tiny bit of sense. But just sparkling in sunlight and not bursting into flames? That’s bullshit, man.

As if there wasn’t enough fucking Mary-Sue horseshit in this story, another hot guy wants Bella for himself. A shape-shifter doggie. And seriously, he’s hotter than gay-boy Edward. And he’s really better for Bella. Because he’s not a blood-sucking monster. And he’s actually kind of manly. He fixes and rides motorcycles and shit, man. This guy is cool.

He really makes so much more sense as a boyfriend for Bella. But dammit, she’s gonna do what she wants. Because she’s a stupid fucking teenager. She doesn’t give a fuck who’s better for her. All she cares about is doing the wrong thing, because that’s what teenagers do. And Edward is so good-looking. Even though he’s evil. But, that makes him dangerous. And dangerous is sexy.

Maybe if the sexy wolf boy, Jacob, had been more dangerous, he might have had a chance. He should have kicked the shit out of Edward, and called it a day. But apparently, Jacob is kind of a pussy, even though he’s macho and manly. Because he doesn’t start shit. He just pines for Bella like a goddamn girly-boy and doesn’t do a fucking thing about it.

I know this book is popular as fuck, but I have no idea why. It’s very hard to read, because it’s filled with so much teenage emotion and angst and fucking girly shit. I guess I can understand why girls would read it. Because girls are fucking stupid. But why, oh why, would a guy read this and recommend it to me? I just don’t get it. Just for that I’m going to go out in the backyard and fuck his ass. Shuddup. It’s not gay if he’s dead.


GLEE RUINED MY LIFE! Because I thought I was gay, but then I watched that show. Get my book, Glenn Hates Books Vol. 1. It’s fucking hilarious.

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4 of 5 Wizarding-World-of-Demons Stars – Dissimilar Shorts 3 by J.B. Taylor.

I actually liked the short stories in this ‘book’. But I have a hard time calling it a book, because it’s really only 28 pages of content. The rest of the pages are dedicated to promotional material. So, I guess it’s more of a pamphlet than a book.

I also have a hard time calling this a ‘collection’ of short stories. Because it only includes two short stories. If you have two of something, it’s not really a collection, now is it? But whatever this publication is, it’s actually pretty decent, if you don’t notice all the grammatical errors.

I mean, I find errors in just about everything I read, but this publication had more errors than usual. Using ‘sense’ when trying to say ‘since’ is just plain silly. And that’s just one example. There are plenty more.

All that being said, the first story of this ‘collection’ is very good. It’s about a girl who unleashes a bunch of demons on the world, because she’s a fucking idiot. She wanders into a mausoleum, and finds an old book. And she thinks to herself, “I really shouldn’t open this book and read it aloud. Bad things could happen. Oh, who am I kidding… That’s just in the movies, right? It’s fine. I’ll just read a little passage.”

And sure enough, all hell breaks loose. The protector of the mausoleum wakes from his slumber and tells her that it’s now her job to go fetch all those fucking demons and put ’em back where she fucking found ’em. Stupid cunt. Or, she could just go kill the boss guy. Mr. Scorpion. He’s a big, badass, motherfucker of a demon, and he’s having a blast destroying Reno.

This story plays out like it’s a fucking video game. The girl slashes through demon after demon with the help from some local cops. Then she gets to the top of Cesar’s Palace to fight the boss demon. Planes and helicopters are flying overhead, shooting the motherfucker. But the bombs and bullets just bounce off him.

So this stupid girl is supposed to fight this boss demon alone. All she has is a gun. It’s not even a big gun. And from the looks of it, this motherfucker is bulletproof. And bombproof. So, she shoots a rocket that is next to the motherfucker, and the demon explodes, and all the rest of the demons get trapped back in the mausoleum. The end.

What? The motherfucker was bomb proof, you idiot. This is fucking bullshit. Why would you tell us that he’s bombproof and bulletproof, and then end the story by blowing up a bomb on him? Are you just trying to set up a sequel? I mean, what the actual fuck is happening? I thought, okay, this isn’t really the end. They’re gonna get back to the mausoleum, and the big motherfucker is gonna come back to life and skull fuck this stupid bitch. Right? Nope. It’s just the end. Fucking bullshit.

The next story is about a wizard that holds up a convenience store with his wand. And this isn’t in some fucking Harry Potter land, either. It’s just downtown L.A. or something. Wizard’s aren’t supposed to exist, goddamnit. But apparently, they do. And of course, there’s a special government wizarding agency that tries to control them.

And that’s pretty much the whole story. It’s only about six pages long. So, it wasn’t much of a story. It was more of an outline than a real story, really. But it wasn’t bad. I’d still recommend this ‘book’. It’s a fun and quick read. And it doesn’t make you think too much. In fact, I think a few of my brain cells died while reading this book. Maybe I shouldn’t have been high as balls while reading it. Naaa. Fuck that.

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3 of 5 Boring-Virgin Stars – The Vision by C.L. Talmadge.

This book is a fucking soap opera. This guy’s banging that chick. Some other guy wants to fuck some dude. And of course, there’s plenty of surprise relationships that aren’t surprises at all. Oh noes, that chick is that dude’s daughter. Who the fuck cares?

This story is mostly about royalty and politics. Some military doctor chick is tasked with saving a prince who had a heart attack. Everyone just assumed he was dead. And he was for a few minutes, but the doctor chick brought him back. Now he’s a zombie prince. Yay!

But wait, this doctor chick isn’t even royalty. What the fuck is she even doing on the grounds? That’s sacrilege! Arrest her at once! And so they do, and like a third of this fucking book is dedicated to her trial for stepping on sacred ground. A capital offense. Really? You’re gonna put some hot chick to death because she stepped foot in your secret garden? That’s fucking retarded.

Of course she’s convicted, and sentenced to death. But come on, she’s the main character in this story, and frankly, the only interesting one. She’s not going to fucking die. You can do all the preparations you want. Put her in a cold cell naked. Torture her all you want. She’s not going to fucking die. So it’s really a wasted attempt at suspense.

Because at the last second, with her head on the chopping block, her long-lost father, Lord James comes to the rescue. Yeah, I saw that coming a mile away, man. No surprise whatsoever. Lord James takes her to his large house in the country, and pampers the shit out of his long-lost daughter.

But Helen is having none of it. “Fuck you, dad! I can take care of myself, thank you very much.” But Lord James has his man-servant drug her, so she stays in bed, like a good little girl. But eventually, she heals up enough to go on being the good doctor, attending to the sick and ailing royalty.

I really didn’t like this book. Not because it was poorly written, though. It was very well written. With amazingly vibrant characters. Especially Helen. I fucking loved Helen. She had some spunk. Even though she was a virgin. Why do they always have to be virgins? Being a slut is way more interesting.

No, the reason I didn’t like this book was the fact that nothing actually happened in it. It was just gossip and rumors and politics and bullshit. Nobody died. Nobody got fucked. It was all just innuendo. There wasn’t even any real back-stabbing. I’d expect some crazy back-stabbing from a fucking soap opera, but with this story there was none. And that lack of conflict made the story boring as fuck.

Whatever you do, DO NOT GET MY BOOK at amazon. It’s known to cause serious brain damage. And it’s fucking hilarious. You wouldn’t want that.

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4 of 5 Never-Ending-Story Stars – The Curse of Senapin by Daniel Waltz.

Holy shit, this book was long as fuck. 529 goddamn pages. What really pissed me off was the fact that they weren’t useless filler pages. All those fucking pages were filled with actual story, man. It drove me crazy. I tried skipping like twenty pages and had to go back to find out what the fuck happened. Because this book is fucking relentless with its world-building and story-telling. It just wouldn’t let up.

This is the second book in The Water Travelers series. It’s about A-A-Ron and his love pal, Madi, who end up on an endless adventure because A-A-Ron gets horrible blue balls one night, while laying next to his cold-as-a-fish girlfriend. I mean, you can only lay there for so long, staring at those sleeping boobies, and tight ass, until you have to excuse yourself and spew jizz all over the bathroom mirror.

Once A-A-Ron wipes down the mirror, he decides to go on a walkabout to a pond nearby, because he just has to know if he can still travel through water. You see, in the first book, these two love-birds thought they had destroyed the magic orb that was supposed to control the ability to water travel from Earth to A-A-Ron’s homeland. So, he just had to know…

And is promptly captured on the other side. Because his family fucking hates his guts, because he’s a goddamn traitor to his kind. He was supposed to kill the girl, for fuck’s sake, not dry hump her face. Goddamn teenagers these days… So yea, he’s captured, and tortured. Well, not really tortured, because he’s still the fucking prince. But still, he had to endure all the bitching and moaning. All the, “I expected so much more from you…” bullshit.

Madi wakes up and finds A-A-Ron missing. Oh noes! But she comes downstairs to find her granny’s ex boyfriend chatting away over breakfast. And apparently, granny is a water traveler whore as well, because this guy is also some big and important water-traveler alien. And he helps Madi travel through the pond to go rescue the guy she sort of likes. Because, whatevs. I guess we can save A-A-Ron.

Harsh words were spoken, but eventually Madi and the granny banger escape with A-A-Ron, and they meet up with some sort of wizard, or keeper, or god, or whatever. Who knows. The guy is like a narrator to the story. He knows everything and explains all the lore that doesn’t make any sense to any reasonable person.

Because seriously, this book was written on crack, I swear. The wizard explains to the group of travelers that their land is cursed, and they must find the cure. But what is the curse? I mean, does it like kill people and shit? Oh, no. That’d be kind of cool. No, the curse is nothing. It’s bullshit, really. It’s just like people will say that you’re hot-tempered. Well, that’s just the curse. Or maybe you’re ugly. Yeah, if it wasn’t for this curse, you’d be sexy as fuck. Yeah, right. Bullshit.

And what is the cure for this curse? Something good. Yeah. This lore-master wizard explains to the group that they must find something good. This will cure the land of this horrible curse that isn’t really a curse. Something good? Seriously? This is a damn fine sammich, but I don’t think it’s gonna cure no curses, man.

So then they travel to a flying forest, filled with monkey people. I told you this book was written on crack. Many battles ensue with monsters and giants and monster giants and flying bat people. Then a huge giant cat-frog descends from the heavens and saves everyone. Well, he’ll save them if they’ve got some cat food, that is.

There’s so much happening in this book, it would take me three hundred pages just to write a proper synopsis for fuck’s sake. I mean there was a hot air balloon ride. A hostage negotiation with a billionaire. An epic gladiator battle in a huge colosseum, old Roman style. It just goes on and on. And it’s fucking awesome.

Get my book, Glenn Hates Books Vol. 1. It’s free, with Kindle Unlimited.

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5 of 5 Nerd-Gasm Stars – Judgment Night by Nick Pollotta.

This book seems like it was created by a bunch of nerds playing Dungeons and Dragons. Even though there really were no dungeons or dragons per se. Because this book is a constant barrage of action. Seriously, I felt myself breathing heavy and sweating just from reading this fucking book. It was such a workout!

There’s this private detective who finds himself fighting werewolves and vampires for no apparent reason. It was just a random case that turned out weird. Then these super hero Bureau 13 agents show up and thwart the supernatural weirdness. And of course, they offer him a job. Because they already have a priest, a couple of mages, a ninja and a beefy military guy with guns. But they don’t have some random P.I. with a pistol.

And this random guy turns into their leader. I really have no idea why, because he really is fucking useless when it comes to fighting monsters. Sure, he can bark out orders like nobody’s business, but anyone can do that. It doesn’t take any special ability to scream, “Pink Turtle formation! STAT!”

After they recruit Mr. Random Guy, the story cuts to a while later, when it’s business as usual. They’re on a fishing trip, just minding their own business, when a huge monster bursts out of the water. A huge battle ensues which I assume took many dice rolls to complete. Then, the 13’s are off to find their secret headquarters. Which is really secret, because even they don’t know where the fuck it is.

You see, Bureau 13 is fucking huge. It’s like a secret FBI, or something. With many divisions and operations. It’s not just these five D&D nerds. But this story is centered around these guys, and thank God for that. Because if there was any more to this book, it would go on forever. Because fuck, man. There’s so much happening with just this rag-tag bunch of nerds, I can’t even imagine what would happen with the whole Bureau involved.

The nerds travel to New York, where they think they might find their headquarters. A huge nuclear explosion goes off and tears New York a new asshole, and tosses the nerd’s impenetrable RV into some apartment complex. They escape on foot, off to find their secret base. And they come across monster after monster on their short journey through town.

When they finally do find their secret base, they’re briefed on the whole plot thing. Apparently, a scary cloud is on its way to destroy New York. I mean, it’s going to destroy what’s left of New York. But how do they even know that? It’s just a cloud, out in the ocean, minding its own fucking business. Who the fuck knows. Don’t ask questions of the Dungeon Master, okay?

The nerds set out to stop the scary cloud, and find a mysterious island directly below it. They eventually find out that it’s the long-lost city of Atlantis, or something. And it’s filled with countless monsters to fight, and puzzles to solve.

I couldn’t possibly break down this entire book in a review. It just goes on forever, even though it’s a fairly short novel. There’s just so much action packed into the pages, it’s mind-boggling. And I loved it so much. Never a dull moment.

I’ve never actually played D&D, and this book doesn’t even mention D&D, but somehow it made me want to get together a bunch of nerds and play D&D. But something tells me that without Nick Polletta as the dungeon master, it wouldn’t be near as much fun as this book.

Get my book, Glenn Hates Books Vol. 1. It’s free, with Kindle Unlimited.

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3 of 5 Ghost-Buster Stars – Alicia Bewitched by Nick Iuppa & John P. Mendoza.

It took me forever to get through this book. Usually it only takes me a couple of hours to read a 300 page book. But not this one. Because the first half of it was so fucking boring, I had to stop every so often, and do something else.

This book is about Alicia and her husband battling the evil James Bond villain Tiger Joy. The first half of the book is very repetitive. It’s just Alicia pining for her husband, who’s trapped in Tiger Joy’s prison.

It literally takes Alicia and her friends half the book to finally find a way to get her husband out of the prison. I really wish I had started this book at the half-way point, because after Carlos is free of his prison, the book really picks up, and finally becomes interesting.

This is a multiple-orgasm type of book. Not because it’s particularly erotic. It’s because this book has something like five goddamn climaxes. Alicia and Carlos keep having these epic battles against the evil James Bond villain. They kill her, but that doesn’t really matter. She just comes back as a ghost. Which isn’t very surprising, because Alicia herself is a ghost.

And a witch. And a shape-shifter. Wait, maybe that’s her husband. I don’t fucking know. It seems like everyone in this fucking book has some super-powers or another. Witchcraft, sorcery, alchemy, and of course doing fun ghost tricks.

Like when Alicia gives her husband head. And his cock goes through the back of her fucking skull. Because she’s a goddamn ghost. I really don’t get how the living have sex with ghosts, but somehow they manage it.

I really hated the first half of this book. But the second half made up for it. It was quite the joyride of action, once Carlos was free. Because Tiger Joy is a persistent little cunt. And she even has a sister named Kitty, who can turn into a cat and sit on Tiger’s lap, like a real James Bond villain. Isn’t that cute?

Get my book, Glenn Hates Books Vol. 1. It’s free, with Kindle Unlimited.

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4 of 5 Snarky-Wizard Stars – Storm Front by Jim Butcher.

This book is fucking awesome. It’s so witty and funny. And ridiculous. I mean, if you were a wizard, a real wizard, would you really go into business as some kind of private detective? Put an ad in the fucking yellow pages? That’s retarded. And funny as hell.

This book is about Harry Dresden. A professional wizard working in Chicago. He does in fact have an ad in the yellow pages. And a sign on his door that says, “Wizard For Hire!” Like anyone is gonna take that seriously. You might as well put a sign on your door that says, “Crazy Retard For Hire!” Because that’s what people are gonna think. That you’re a crazy retard. Because magic isn’t real. Everyone knows that.

Except that it really is real in this version of Chicago. I mean, nobody knows it’s real, except Harry. But whenever unexplained things start to happen in Chicago, people come to him for help. Because he understands the things that normal people don’t understand. Because he’s a fucking wizard. Deal with it. **SUNGLASSES**

After it’s established that this book is indeed silly as fuck, Harry is hired by some woman who thinks her husband is losing his fucking mind. Harry finds out that the husband isn’t really losing his mind. He’s just high as balls. Magic balls. Of course.

Then Harry gets a call from a chick he totally wants to bang. Karrin Murphy who works for a special ghost-busters unit of the Chicago PD. And also doesn’t know how to fucking spell ‘Karen’. Apparently, she found two dead bodies with their hearts ripped out. It’s black magic. Or something. So obviously it has something to do with that wack-job Harry Dresden.

And then there’s like vampires and shit. And warlocks. And demons. You know, the usual supernatural garbage. I mean, yeah, the story is pretty stupid and simple. And it’s borrowed from every other fantasy type book. But I don’t fucking care. This book isn’t awesome because of the fucking story. It’s awesome because of the characters. The fun, witty banter.

So what if the story basically comes down to burning up a meth house. It’s like Jim Butcher just took a standard Chicago PD case, and threw in a wizard. For shits and giggles. And it worked. I giggled so much, I think I shit myself.

Get my book, Glenn Hates Books Vol. 1. It’s free, with Kindle Unlimited.

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2 of 5 Free-Will-Is-A-Bitch Stars – Moirae by Mehreen Ahmed.

I didn’t like this book at all. It had too much politics and religion for me to give a shit. The story is supposedly set on some fantasy world, but it seems to me that this fantasy world is simply the Middle East. Because there’s all the jihad shit, and Muslims, and Mohammad and Jesuits.

This story is about the battle between those religions. Where families and farms are wiped out by roving gangs of jihad thugs. Because if you don’t belong to their religion, you don’t deserve to live. You don’t deserve to have a home and a farm. You don’t deserve happiness.

One young man is framed for murder, or something. His family struggles to get enough money to get the boy out of the country. But instead, the boy takes off on a bus. He goes off to try to live his own life somewhere else. And it’s always a struggle. No food. No water. No place to sleep. No pot to piss in.

His life sucks donkey balls, but he struggles on, praying to the random god of the week. Because he can’t decide what he believes in. He’s trying to convert to the best religion, to play with the politics, and finally get a decent job. Or maybe move further out in the country, where nobody will find him.

He finds a church that wants to help him. They give him a place to stay, and chores to do. They feed him, and wash his feet. Because apparently that’s their sick fetish, or something.

Eventually, word gets to him that his family has been brutally murdered, and their farm is just an unclaimed wasteland. So yippie! He goes back home to start his life anew. But everyone knows that the thugs will be back again. They’ll probably rape and pillage once more. But hey, live dangerously, right? Sure.

This entire book went on and on about how God will provide. Don’t worry. I know you’re starving, but God will provide. I know you’re living on the streets. You’re cold. You’re miserable. You want to kill yourself. But don’t worry, God will provide.

Fucking bullshit. God doesn’t provide shit. Ever heard of free will? God helps those that help themselves. In other words, God doesn’t help at all. He gave us free will, so we can fend for ourselves. He’s an absentee landlord. He doesn’t give a fuck about you. People die every fucking day. God doesn’t care.

The characters in this book do finally realize that it’s all a crock of shit. They start doing things for themselves, because it’s pretty goddamn obvious that God’s out to lunch or something. You can’t wait forever for your God fantasy. You have to do it yourself.

Then, of course, when they finally get what they want, they thank God for providing. HE DIDN’T PROVIDE SHIT, YOU STUPID CUNTS! When will people get this through their stupid thick skulls? Probably never. Because people are stupid ass sheep.

Get my book, Glenn Hates Books Vol. 1. It’s free, with Kindle Unlimited.

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